Friday, November 5, 2010

A New Adventure

Welcome to my very first blog!  Thanks for checking it out. I have to admit...I was one of "those" folks who swore I'd never,ever, ever have a blog. 

Then I read yours. really inspired me! And now, here I am. Should we open a bottle of champagne or something?  I mean I am really excited to be here!

How about if we get acquainted first?

Bodacious Possibilities...what does that mean?  

According to  Wiktionary, "bodacious" means audacious, unrestrained, enormous, and extraordinary.  (there are some other less than desirable associations of the word, but we'll pass on those for now)  

Audacious means bold or daring.

Add "possibilities" to that, and wowzers, now you have a phrase worth repeating!

Who wouldn't want bold, daring, unrestrained, enormous, and extraordinary possibilities in their life?! 

Moving on. 

After spending much of my early life wanting to desperately "fit in", I find myself in my 40's, thrilled and excited to be different and unique.  If only we could capture in our teens and 20's, what we learn in our 30's and 40's...oh how the world would change!  

When I was a child, I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast, jockey, trauma surgeon, rock star (who didn't want to be a rock star?!), secret agent, and translator for the United Nations.
My mother raised me to believe I could be anything I wanted to be.  Need I say more? 

Those dreams didn't quite work out for me.  I'm as flexible as a steel rod, allergic to horse hair and hay, not focused enough to get through years of medical school, can't sing, dance, or play any of the instruments in a rock band, need far too much sleep to run around the world being the next "she" Bond, and I only speak English...well, I do speak fluent Texan, but as far as I know, that's not currently viewed as an official language of the UN.

So where does that leave me?  

It leaves me in the very best place of all...being exactly who I am.  

Who I am changes day-to-day, and even moment-to-moment.  I am in a fabulous growth spurt that I hope lasts for the rest of my life.  As I get more comfortable with who I am, I become more and more...well, more Me.  Confusing to understand, I suppose.  But if you're in that place too, just smile and nod.  You know what I'm talking about. 

That's probably enough for now.  If you want to know more you'll have to check back later.  And I hope you do.