Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finding Truth

No matter how sure the footing is on the “right” path...there will be pebbles or other obstacles that can cause the journey to temporarily feel a bit less secure.  Walk on anyway. 

I recently returned from a fabulous, much needed, two week vacation.  On the way to our destination I posed several serious questions to God.  I wanted direction and confirmation.  I had been feeling strongly pulled away from the “logical” things and pushed toward the “heart” things.   Willingly, and with great intention, I focused on gently letting go of habits, experiences, and thoughts that no longer served me. Seeking answers, and fully expecting to receive them, I embraced the adventure of finding my truth.

Have you ever visited that place in yourself where you aren’t unhappy, but you find yourself restless and wondering if there is more to life?  Or maybe you know there’s more but just aren’t sure what or where it is.  If so, our passports share a common stamp.

On this vacation, I was completely open to, and listening for, all the guidance I requested.  And it came forward… loud and clear, with repeated confirmations.  (I love it when that happens!) God knows I can be a bit heavy on the “Are you sure?” “Is this really what you mean?” and “I’m not sure I understood that correctly” side of things.  So, I encountered multiples sources for the same messages…over and over.  “Take risks…step out…do more…trust.”  These beautiful signs and messages were given to me almost daily for the duration of our trip.  I was overjoyed at the intense feeling of communion with God and the world at large.

Then...I came home.  All of a sudden, I started doubting…again…what I was supposed to do with my life.  Did I unknowingly bump my head causing temporary amnesia? What about all those fabulous messages I received while out-of-town? I wondered if my dreams and calling were just musings of a misguided mind.  A “safe” and logical course of action would certainly serve me better here in reality, right?  As soon as I began contemplating the common and generally well-accepted path, my shoulders felt heavy, my neck tightened up, and sadness fell across my spirit.  It was as if my whole body gave out one long, tired sigh of resignation.

Have you been to that place where one moment everything seems very clear and you are on fire for your new direction, then…maybe you take a deep breath in, bump your head, or just pause a second too long, and find yourself knee-deep in the doubter’s muck…again? If you said yes, “Welcome to the Club!”

Thank goodness I quickly realized the new doubts weighing on me weren't new at all.  They were the subtle lingerings of those darn old ghosts of times gone by.  How easily I fell back into old habits of automatically giving them the authority to interrupt my journey…again.  Without even thinking about it, I allowed old experiences and old memories to begin dictating my present…again.  Luckily, I recognized what was happening, acknowledged the old ghosts for what they were, and bid them adieu…again. (Do you see a theme emerging here?)

Are your own obstacles trail markers for another direction on your journey or are they just old ghosts from your past trying to direct you back into a familiar rut…again?  If they are old familiar ghosts from days gone by, tell them good-bye, host your own Going Away party for them, then get moving.  Your adventure is waiting!