Tuesday, October 11, 2011


One of my coaching classes this week posed an interesting question. The instructor asked us when was the last time we acknowledged ourselves and what we do. The call was filled with what felt like a very long silent pause.

I tossed the question around over and over in my mind. When was the last time I acknowledged myself? Had it really been that long ago? It's so easy to acknowledge others for the things, big and small, they are doing in their lives, why was it so rare on my end?

Acknowledgment is not meant to be ego-filled and braggadocios. It's meant to be honoring regarding what we have done and who we are. It's fuel for the journey. I believe it is hugely beneficial to see all the little places you chose in a way that served you. Keeping a record of those things helps for the downer days when you feel like you are moving in the opposite direction of your dreams.

When I started thinking about what I could acknowledge myself for, I thought about the classes I am taking, the balance I am finding between family, work, school, and growing a new business. I thought about the tiny choices I am making like getting a bit more sleep or reaching for a bottle of water instead of a soda. I thought about the recent times I have honored my needs and let my muse have an evening of creative inspiration with me. All those things are choices that make my life better, bit by bit, and step by step.

I took it a bit further and looked at what it took for me emotionally, physically, intellectually, financially, and spiritually to embark on my new coaching adventure. How much time and energy did I put into learning how to build a website and a blog? How much courage did it take to begin working with clients? How much trust did it take to post my thoughts and feelings out in the public by way of my blog? How many times did I have to take a deep breath and reach beyond my shyness to virtually meet others in my classes and various forums? Taking that first step used to be frightening to me.

If you told me years ago, that I would be doing any of the things above, or any number of the things I've included in my life the past few years, I would have thought you were crazy. Me, jump off a zip line at 50+ pounds overweight? I don't think so. Me, white water raft with strangers? Nope, not I. Try to throw pottery and laugh with delight at how funky and unplanned the pieces came out? Me? Nah...I'd be embarrassed, frustrated, and not really willing to do it again. Well, that was the old me. The new me is diving headfirst in to really living...even when it's scary. Even when I have no clue what I'm doing. Even when there's a good chance I won't get it right the first time...or the second...or the third. I think those things are worth acknowledging, don't you?

When was the last time YOU acknowledged yourself? Don't you think now is a great time to start?! It only takes one little bitty success to fuel the fire for another. So grab a pen and paper or your computer and starting writing all those little things (and big things) that you think are movement forward. No step is too small or too large. Each one counts!

If you can't think of anything...contact me. I'd be happy to spend a few minutes with you finding those hidden treasures of success that are oh so worth acknowledging.

Be gentle with yourself, honor your spirit, and have a fabulous day!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It Doesn't Matter

It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made or where you have been. Tell me where you are now. This moment and this place and each breath you take provide a blank canvas and a fresh start.

It doesn't matter how big or small you feel your dreams are. Because they are YOUR dreams...they are important to me and worthy of being honored and realized.

It doesn't matter how messy your life feels. Today is a new day. This moment is a new moment. Anything and everything is possible.

It doesn't matter what labels others have given you. I want to know who YOU are inside and who you want to be.

It doesn't matter if you are unsure where to take your next step. If you are willing to just take a step, we can figure it out together.

It doesn't matter how much money you have or don't have. If you want to move forward with your dreams, we can work it out.

It doesn't matter how many times you've failed before. I'm ready to celebrate your success with you.

Take a chance on living your dream. Today is your day and this is YOUR moment!

I am so excited to announce the Official opening of my coaching practice and website. I invite you to stop by and check it out.  :)   www.bodaciouspossibilities.com 

Hope to hear from you soon!